Welcome to the very first post in our new blog series, Hunt. Eat. RepEAT. Throughout this series, we will discover the beauty of field to fork as the Brandecosse team put pen to paper (or keys to screen?), giving accounts of their days in the field and the memorable dishes which make the effort all worth while.
For our first post, there’s nobody more fitting. Jonathan McGee.
Jonathan McGee
Jerk Grouse on the Yorkshire Moors
August 12th and the hallowed start to the UK game shooting season, The Glorious 12th. Whilst I was working with a number of the larger organisations I got talking with a lovely young man called Leon Challis-Davis. Leon at that time was a chef but also helped the newly created British Game Alliance with their recipes and routes to markets. I’d spoken with a local moor about the chance of Leon and I joining a team to shoot the first of the years wild red grouse. With the date in the diary, Leon and I began planning the days food and Leon had some incredibly inventive ideas as to how best showcase the delicate taste grouse with a more modern twist.
The Hunt
We met at first light at Egton Manor and was greeted by Olly Foster the estate owner. Olly is a very proactive shoot owner with a focus on showcasing the best of shooting sports whilst sharing our Game to Plate passions. A quick drive up to the moor and very quickly we found ourselves surrounded by blooming heather and the distance calls of our native wild red grouse. For those who’ve not been to the North York Moors in August, the heather bloom is a must as it blankets the area like a radiant purple carpet.
A quick walk and some expert marksmanship and we had our days prize, grouse for lunch. Now the challenge of creating some exceptional wild dishes for ourselves and our host, Olly. Olly had been good enough to let us use a space by the River Esk that snakes its way through the village of Egton. Unbeknown to us a fisherman had been out that morning and knowing of our challenge caught and kept us a stunning 6lb sea trout. Another element to add to our feast.
Try it for yourself – Visit Eat Wild
All this reading made you hungry? Try your hand at your very own Jerk Grouse at home, by visiting our friends at Eat Wild any try the recipe for yourself. Click here –> Recipe
Widely considered the King of game, the Grouse season kicks off the driven game season on the 12th of August and lasts through until the 10th December. A native to the highlands of Scotland the humble Grouse is a truly wild source of protein. Known for its deep red, rich meat and distinctive gamey flavour.
If gamey isn’t for you, or you’re looking to replicate this recipe later in the season. Partridge makes a great substitute to Grouse. Having a subtle taste, Partridge makes for a great introduction to game and is more regularly available throughout the game season.
To find your local game dealer or where to order online, visit Eat Wild Stockists page.